2014 US Open ISKA Online Registration is now LIVE
Tune in Friday at 8pm EST!

The last replay of the 2013 US Open ISKA World Martial Arts Championships is TONIGHT, on ESPN2, at 8 pm Eastern Daylight Time! 

The NEW ISKA US Open Series Debuts

Get the lowest prices by registering for the US Open ISKA World Martial Arts Championships before March 31, 2014! Entry fees will never be lower and you will save over 38% off the door price for registration if you take advantage of the Early Registration pricing. Get to the US Open Registration Page and get ready for an event to remember! 

Signature Sponsor

Paul Mitchell
Learn More About...CLASH Sparring
Night of Champions on ESPN

Ever wish you had a second chance at that sparring match? 

Or that you or your child could fight just one more time before going home? 

Or that you didn’t have to be the tallest person in the division to win in point sparring?

The US OPEN has the answer!

CLASH SPARRING – A US Open innovation– gives you another, BETTER chance to fight again – and maybe win it all! 

After your point sparring division – don’t go away! Right in your same ring, your same age and rank group, with your same uniform, your same equipment, and with thesame basic rules including safety – you will be fighting again. It’s like a double elimination! 

The only difference is how it is scored. When you and your opponent “clash,” every technique in the clash, up to three, is scored! 
Ever land two or three good points only to hear the opponent’s backfist got there first and none of yours matter? Now they’ll get their point – but you’ll get all of yours too! 

It's just like you spar in the school; a clash, then you break, then another clash, another break, etc. Judges keep track of all the points during the 90-second match. It’s the only competition where a defensive fighter hasjust as good a chance as the first person across the line! 

No special training needed at all. Just be sure when you sign up for Point Sparring, you sign up for Clash Sparring as well. See you in the Winner’s Circle at the 2014 US Open.


International Sport Karate Association NASKA
The US Open ISKA World Martial Arts Championships 
333 SW 140th Terrace 
Jonesville, FL 32669 
Phone: 1-844-4USOPEN 
Email:  help@usopen-karate.com
Our Sponsors

Century Martial Arts Supplies




Amerikick Martial Arts
Our Partners 

SportMartialArts.com - Official Media for the 2014 US Open

North American Grappling Association

United States Breaking Association

Amateur Athletic Union

Martial Arts Technologies

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