working to spread the shoulder blade let's write and draw that naval apps are not thinking in the hips we find this it when he'll connection heading is involved in the picture here and then will lower the knees down and join our friends here we're gonnaswitch to the other side so this time I mean it's in my left toe that long and then a hug my left knee in step it up all the way now swing right toast with the left side

In the back some working right angles here at my life and my friend me and then a whole thing up to my half where giving away a little bit a break today my friend and working more on the upper body I'm Pure Asian Garcinia  going to find my warriors who here for you and I'm really going to connect to my abdominal wall here keep their integrity through the crime the head for this extension here as I begin two-inch my left turns outland find a place to focus on as ice n my right fingertips down now I can come onto that right heel here or

I can pivot I'm going to go ahead and bring the left fingertip down to come up some plug you know that shoulder blade here's a or open up in our ha beautiful brie de peer careful not to collapse creates faces equal distance space between the left your low in the left shoulder and I write your love rage reading each year connecting to your foundation in Helen on Excel softening really flipping your tips from come to the ground always walk it back all the way to our lunch take your time from nice and slow as you transition back now we looped the shoulders forward up a magnet the heart open forward and then we'll plant the palms fly left came back this time take restful Osama sit bones not back fingertips swim behind we relax the shoulder rooms intake the locals mouth find your path Europe.


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