These days, each and everyone face a lot of stress in his/her life. Hence, retaining memory has become quite difficult. SMART XA good diet is very important to improve memory power. One should have wholesome meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Consuming nuts like walnuts and almonds aid improving memory. Good sleep is also very essential to revitalize the brain. Playing mind games like Sudoku, Chess, solving the Rubik’s Cube, Scrabble, etc go a long way in enhancing memory power. More you use your brain; the more its functioning is improved. Solving jigsaw puzzles, riddles, and Mensa quizzes also help a lot. Deep breathing exercises also help a lot to improve memory power. Many games on the internet too are helpful. Herbal medicines are also available on the market these days to boost memory power. These can also be ordered online. Lack of sleep is very detrimental to brain and body functioning. Regular, sufficient sleep of about eight hours helps refresh the mind and helps in repairing the wear and tear of body tissues. There are many workshops held these days which help enhance and improve memory power by indulging in simple exercises, meditation, healthy diet and stress free environment.
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