According to work by of assachusetts/Amherst, Neuroxiumtoddlers exposed to "background television" are more likely to show attention deficiencies. They play more briefly with toys, show less focus with their play, and interact less with parents.As humans, we are born interrupt-driven. In order to survive, we need to focus on new stimuli in our environment and stay vigilant to changes around us. This is why we are prey to and…
Publicado el mayo 30, 2015 a las 3:06am
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Eu estou escrevendo este e-mail para você com o devido respeito e confiança a humanidade, Honestamente, eu preciso primeiro pedir desculpas a carga sua vida respeitados e para a surpresa esta carta pode ser visto para você, porque não temos sido em grande comunicação. Mas eu quero que você entre em contato comigo de volta para a questão importante aqui
I am writing this mail to you with due respect trust and humanity, Honestly, I must first ask for apology to burden your respected life and for the surprise this letter may be seen to you because we have not been in much communication. But I want you to contact me back for important issue here