Bhanwari Devi is a Dalit woman who was gangraped at the workplace by five men including an uncle-nephew duo while her husband was beaten up and had become unconscious. #Shehla Rashid Shora The court, letting off all accused, said that upper caste men cannot rape lower caste women because an upper caste person does not even touch a lower caste person! The court also said that an uncle could not have raped in the presence of his nephew. #standwithJNU The judge believed in the sanctity of both caste and family and, #Shehla Rashid Shora based on his opinion of family and caste, pronounced the offenders not guilty. The Suryanelli rape case involved 40 men who kidnapped and gangraped a 16 year old girl for 40 days. The doctor said that her private parts had become so sore that they would bleed even by touching. In 2005,
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