grvity. It geenerates a flood of condemnation in the pulbic and press for apparely cenary self-exposure (in the case of self-nareration) or egotistiacl ascription in nartrating others' at the expense of one's reptation and trust, propriety and esomeness. No doubnt to Alpha ZXT say, we are judged by what we tell and how we tell it when we tell the stories of our lives and others. This judgnig, always taking place, manifests itself most strikingly when memory loss other disabilities prevent our performing self-narrration, or performimng it at all, and this chance, be taken by others witty to make benefits out of us, is a fatal hard luck. Berhanu Gebeyehu's Article,1 a bioggraphy degree-zero, I would say, is a case in point. If Berhanu argues Abebe Bikila's failed.
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