Are saying that they use a lot of this stuff which they probably down but the idea for us is to go and find out what's fiction what is reality to find true real powerful products real powerful nutrition real powerful programs that will help you change and not get into all the stuff that's just advertising dollar spent needlessly on stuff that doesn't work so that's another of our Trim 250 focus I'll when you’re trying to help the intelligent person the person who wants to make informative decisions who wants to change their body quickly fast and decisively now another part of that and something that we have been kind toiling with going to you are not going to is the fact that we realize that over three and a half million Americans are using physique.

Augmentation chemicals diet pills and other longevity drugs to help support their bodybuilding fitness and physique goals just the normal person again not the person is competing and because at that we realize that as a reporting news channels reporter it’s in our best ensure s to give you the information that you need about what it is people are using now here's  TRIM 250 where we stand we do not advocate we do not support nor do we recommend the use it any prescription product with outs medical attention and obviously need for the product that you're using in the first place however again like I said we realize that a lot of people do you use these types of products so we're going to be honest we're in a report about them their side effects their positive effects are negative attacks their harm both physically and legally and hopefully educate our viewers to make educated decisions about whether or not they decide .

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