West Player 03 I was asking me what is my thought well mine is my what is my opinion on drink unsold up on my friend I do come fast I drink diet soda a want of that not every day but you know like once a week %uh to times a week I do not park by the you know with him I can be a positive for your house but you know I drink I'm just a drink at I not the fight but I'm not perfect my Maxx NO  front so I only live 15 amount in the extreme I diet or so Ahmad I'm really you know saw on it so if it's the next to me if somebody offer me offers me a diet so I won't take you I think I track as I do not up drink a lifetime call or patsy because they have a lot of caffeine and I don't like the caffeine crash so I D on my truck to its artistic whether either in a sprite or 7up or a those kind of thoughts alright next question quite long for mister Rome Rah mat with 2 N's so Rama quite long questionnaire from next time take it quite I make it a little bit shorter fees but your question is interest in non the less the gentleman is taken BCAA's made by Optimum Nutrition and is also take care n Luna mean with orange juice of course saw what you up this is being taken Catherine the morning car job but what he nor is it that is urine sorry for that word is keno yeah no and green Wow so you'll always Laurel but Green my friend I have to ask you if you are in alien I'm just joking here green is not more democrats right but it certainly has something to do with supplement you take it cousin army outfit they can do to me and also BCA specifically optimum nutrition never have that issue what so Ivory up check them  


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