That car hit and overturned to your wall.
In 1770, the German- Austrian founder Siegfried Marcus assembled a motorized type of car. This car realized the mechanical engine of Cougnot in to mechanical energy. 92 years later, Etienne Lenoir built the first car with an interior combustion engine and a year later Lenouar built the first car quest on earth by covering 19.

3 miles round-trip with the average velocity 6.4 kilometers per hour. Cars with diesel engines created for the first time in Germany by Karl Benz in 1885 – 1886 and Gottlieb Daimler between 1886 and 1889. Benz started initially to work with the types of the new motor in 1878. At the beginning he dedicated to the structure of a reliable two-stroke gas engine. This was the initial car which was designed and built as a vehicle and much less a transformation of a wagon or a cart.
Most of the cars today use petrol or diesel, which cause air pollution and accused of causing the change of climate and the greenhouse effect. Today, substantial efforts are done in vehicle production for the design of electric automobiles, while hybrid cars are currently on the market and they use both fuel and electrical energy. Further Information
web site.
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