
It is maintained the overall structure of our tissues by the extracellular matrix, a network of structural

Proteins are linked together in orderly lines to give all the support and flexibility where it is needed. This

Flexibility decreases with age, largely as a result of the accumulation of additional cross-links (which,

Unlike those born enzymatic ally, and are distributed randomly); and include the results of systolic

High blood pressure, which contributes too many of the medical conditions associated with aging. Like the most random

It is believed cross-links to arise from a chemical reaction with sugars that normally present in the blood circulation. Of

And it called on the process of their formation, comprising non-oxidizing step (Glkoishn) and

Step oxidation (redo) and cross-links and called itself the "advanced Glkoishn"

Or ages.

There are many different ages and with a wide range of chemical structures. This complicates the search process

The factors that may remove or join them. To some extent a coincidence, it was a family of small molecules

Several years ago he discovered Niagen anti aging that cleaves one category of age; for example, is the leading, being

By Alton follow-up. Was very well performance in many experiments on animals, and in the first phase and

Clinical trials this shows that the class of shove it is a big one in human tissue.

However, it is certainly not the only major one. And therefore there is an opportunity to identify drugs that can

Sticks to other categories of age. These include groups such as chemically more stable, and that may not be

Thorn without coupling reaction to one absolute power such as decomposition. In other words,


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http://www.musclestacks.org/niagen Niagen Reviews

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