Best Answer: One of the things they need to do is check the bite.. They can do a test to make sure that the bite is not fx, they can also check .. Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a number of factors, including hot and cold food or drinks, food, crispy, and teeth .. Treatment of gum disease cause extreme tooth sensitivity: After 4-5 years, I finally went to the dentist earlier this year .. In some cases, sensitive teeth can become so severe that a trip to the dentist.. When you are extremely sensitive, the dentist will take X-rays .

Best Answer: You are not alone.. Start brushing with Sensodyne, OR OTHER toothpaste for sensitive teeth.. If you use TP WHITENING, DO NOT USE THIS.. IT .. A complete guide about tooth sensitivity, including the causes, treatment, prevention and more.. .. These include extreme pain.. These nerves run marrow .

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The cause of your tooth sensitivity can be determined by your dentist.. Visual.. This can be expressed either as severe wear of the tooth, .. You may want to talk to your dentist about what is causing the sensitivity.. It sounds like your mouth is healthy, which is good news like regular gum disease can lead to .

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