Foot just keep a ride over your arm should as he continually continuously push with the right girl well and bring it back to center turnaround for the other said now we're going to go into our scorpion pose we're going to start the same way as though you're going to do dancer’s pose that is feet together and using your wallet and the fittest now green your foot up in the same way neither together this single CEREBRIA your foot a little bit outward now you're going to actively poll with your left arm in a poll that Lake up still resisting quietly pushing out with the foot beautiful that here and from there you can take your right handed and you're going to at you're going to quit pure your thumb over crab the arch of the foot in on the left hand will come under tsunami demonstrate that to help like them under the arch of my foot here bring my left hand under 9 bending my right leg at the start to push my hand the way the same way I wouldn’t answer post until it up over the top of my head well in the ninth Street you know it is our fans for support you have trouble coming Cerebria Brain Booster at if you have trouble getting your balance coming from the Bentley to a straight like eventually you do want to be able to do that with the full straight leg without bending your knees so let's try that saving my foot up two parallel neither.


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